Your suggestions and ideas for kids' activities were so helpful! Thank you!! I've combined the ideas and created a Kids' Activity List. You'll find the link under Resources on the sidebar and it opens a whole new page with all of the activities there. The list will continue to grow as I add more ideas throughout the summer...
And if you have any additional ideas to share, please leave them in the comments section of the list. Also, I'd love to hear from you if your family tries any of these activities! How did it go?
We're anxious to start trying out our activities! Today, we decided to play like a bird and give nest building a try. We could only use materials that birds would use. For my kids, that meant mud, of course!
After our muddy nest turned out to look more like a mud volcano, we realized how uniquely talented those birds are! (And that there is a reason nests take so long to build)...
We're going to try the activity again but next time we will be more precise and weave the materials together rather than slather them with mud (though the mud part sure was fun)!