Eight of our chickens are now laying eggs. Each week a new egg appears. Unique to their source, our eggs seem to tell stories all their own. We always know which eggs are Rosetta's----they are the extra large beautiful ones. The queen layer. But what about the other brown eggs? Which chicken lays which egg. Each of their eggs look the same from day to day; they have varying shades of brown dependent upon the chicken who lays it.
Today my son sat down with a carton of fresh eggs and researched them. Who layed this one? Was it Browney or Brownin? Why does this other one have a hole in it? Did a chicken peck it?
Only one of our Leghorns is laying. They seem to have matured more slowly then our New Hampshires. Slowly, their combs are growing up and then flopping over giving them the look of some sort of cartoon character!
We're always happy to visit our chickens and my children still intend to have an egg selling business. Want some eggs?