These are our dedicated mamas. They are our two Phoenix chickens (Speckles & Phoebe) with the important task of hatching three chicks. Though their dedication is unquestionable, they have suffered many set-backs in the process.
We chose three eggs from our favorite layers: Rosetta, Pirate, and Brownie. For all the Phoenix's perseverance, they lack might, unfortunately. Jealousy runs rampant in some of our chicken's minds and since our two little mamas were occupying the most coveted of nests, they were frequently pecked, or pushed, off. One particular evening, they were dislodged from the nest by the thoroughly jealous, Brownie, who sat on the eggs for a bit and then lost interest, leaving the eggs out in the cold.
We built a new nest, cordoned off from the rest of the flock. Now, Speckles & Phoebe sit stoically on the eggs. They are due to hatch in a little over a week (fingers crossed). The new chickens will be brought to our current home as a small backyard flock. It feels like a grand experiment ripe with potential!