Meet Pepe (aka Peepers), Lays, and Tootsie (aka Mohawk). Our little flock of backyard chickens, living in the city.
Pepe hatched from two of our original chickens, Pirate the Hen, and Macho the Rooster. Pepe is joined by two Sex-Links purchased from the feedstore.
Apparently, Sex-Links can be sexed by their coloring at birth and unfortunately, Tootsie has a very suspicious dot on her head, possibly indicating the crowing variety. Therefore, don't get too attached to Tootsie, as roosters are not allowed in the city limits. If Tootsie turns out to be a Mohawk, he must pack up his wattles and tail feathers and go to live elsewhere... Pepe could be a rooster, as well, and we won't know for another few weeks. We are crossing our fingers and only feeding Pepe pink colored food (ha).
Our chicken coop is coming along nicely with many, many thanks to my urban homesteading partner. As quickly as our chicks are growing, they will be ready for their new digs just about the time their home is complete. Even now, they enjoy their little excursions out into the tall weeds of our backyard's wilds.
We do have chicken rearing experience from last year but we still continue to learn. We are aided by many informative books and magazines available to the backyard chicken farmer. What a treasure trove of books there are out there on this subject!