I still do more than just cook and bake around here. Sometimes.
That Swifty Swiffer cover in the new Mason-Dixon knitting book looks fabulous but I recently found that I needed a cover fast (I can't stand those throw-away swiffer sheets) and sometimes knitting feels oh so slow...
I whipped up this Swiffer Cover in less than an hour. I used a bargain towel set for this one, but thrifted towels would work great, too!
A little cutting, a little turning, a little button-holing and voila! A new Swiffer cover! If anyone is interested in the actual measurements and/or a pattern, let me know...
Also, I was immediately inspired by the homemade dish matt idea I saw around the blogs and from A Handmade Home. I used the remainder of the bargain towel set to make one. What a perfect way to show off a fun fabric for the kitchen!