This post's title is inspired by a yarn shop here in Oregon called, 'Knot Another Hat.' That name makes me smile. Well, it makes me smile because my family members probably say that very same phrase. Or at least some of them. You see, we have this big basket full of hats sitting by the door waiting for anyone, anyone to wear one. It seems hats are enjoyed by all yet worn by few... My daughter, however, will pull on almost any style of hat but it will disappear in the abyss of her school locker. But that's another story.
Well anyway, I knitted Pants another hat for his recent birthday. Though, all of Brooklyn Tweed's knitting patterns are worthy of knitting up if only for their sophistication and style, I felt that his Quincy hat fit Pants' taste. Pants likes to fold the brim of his hat up, but only in the back. I thought the ingenious folding of Quincy would suffice that need, but he still folds it "his way."
And don't tell my family, but many of them are getting MORE hats for Christmas!